Florawise Zero-Emission Energy Service Company, Denmark

Florawise is an energy service company (ESCO) located in Copenhagen, Denmark. Florawise is upgrading buildings to reduce their carbon footprint and save up to 40% of energy with our smart tailor-made software & hardware solutions.

My Contributions:
♻️ Crafted a Sustainability B2B Communication & Marketing Strategy
♻️ Creating Sustainability-focused Branding Strategy: Creating an eco-friendly brand identity and unique selling proposition to attract a niche market of eco-conscious communities.
♻️ Oversaw Corporate Websites and Social Media Contents, e-commerce platforms, blogs, and social media channels, ensuring alignment with branding and social responsibility initiatives.

Make a Real Difference.
Start Your Sustainability Journey.

Daphne Ahu Binici

Sustainability Strategy & Communication Expert

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